Well folks ~ I am taking the dive ~ my son tells me that I have to much knowledge not to share ~ so here goes. I am an avid antiquefreak ~ but in the scope of things I have spread out into so many areas that I really think I can pass along some very helpful tips. I have decided that I will need to postpone the antique blog
until I can generate some photos to make it more interesting and easier to follow.
I am hoping that by writing about my life and great childhood memories that I will get a feel for
the blog thing. My oldest daughter has told me that I am suppose to keep it short. That will be one of
my biggest challenges. I will attempt to stay on track and put things in chronological order. I have four children ~ none of which have been interested in OLD things so far. I can hold out the hope that one or two of them will take up an appreciation of the past.
I was given a blessed life ~ one that is rare to the majority of people. My mothers family homesteaded over 3000 acres on the California coast. I was raised in a lumber mill town ~ Scotia ~ you must google it to appreciate it. Scotia is a town that was built around a mill ~ The housing was rented very cheaply ~ as well as water, garbage etc ~ even the electricity was provided. The company would come through ever so many years and paint the exterior of your house (free of charge) and also the interior every so many years (free of charge) ~ It was a mill town ~ and they took care of their own.
The Company even went as far as having a Christmas for the Kids ~ and every employee was given tickets for their children ~ to attend the Christmas event. We would go to a very ancient theater ~ called the Winema ~ the exterior of the building was constructed of all old growth Redwood. There were pillars out front that were actual Redwood trees with the bark still attached. It still stands today ~ and is the community center for the town.
At Christmas time ~ the Pacific Lumber Co. purchased tons of toys and jars of candy ~ each child of the employees would be given a ticket ~ to go and select a Christmas gift of their choice... and a jar of either butter balls or multi-colored candy. This really does sound like something out of a book ~ doesn't it? Since our family lived very close to the Winema ~ my sister and I were always at the doors very early ~ that did not stop some of the "mothers" from showing up later and pushing us out of our place in line....
There are so many things about growing up in this town that affected me and my way of life that I could most likely write a book about it. I am really trying to just outline the beginnings of my mind trail ~ and what brought me to where I am today. I was also fortunate to have a grandfather who owned "the ranch" ~ the 3000 + acres on the California coast. The ranch was just north of Petrolia ~ where the very first oil well was drilled in California. How many of you can remember eating home grown vegetables and drinking cows milk , churning the cream into butter~ and getting up before dawn to saddle a horse and ride to the top of a mountain to gather cows? Oh what I would give to have my children experience what I did.
To be brave enough to go and put a harness on a horse and lead it to the trough and saddle it up. To climb aboard and then climb the mountain. To watch the sun come up and the fog roll out of the valley.... It is something that most adults cannot even comprehend. I was blessed also with the family of the people who took care of the ranch ~ and their rich history. There was a weekly BBQ's at the river in the summer months~ when we had meat cooked over madrone wood ~ and the most wonderful swimming hole that anyone could ask for. When all the friends and neighbors would gather for good food and good fun.
There was the Holiday dances at the Grange Hall ~ with the most awesome country western music you could ask for. Have you ever heard of the "Paul Jones"? ~ Please do google that also.... It was a dance at the grange when it would start out with the slow two step ~ and the tempo would pick up ~ and then the next thing you know ~ everyone on the dance flour would join hands in a giant circle. The everyone would whoop it up with a big yell and go to the center of the floor... and back out ~ to be followed by the one arm swing ~ changing partners with each beat. My father taught us girls at an early age that in order to stay in control you had to plant your foot so that the men could not fling you ~ but you could "fling" them to the next partner. I also remember being so small that our father let us stand on top of his feet when he danced ~ so we would feel grown up ~ like we really thought we were dancing.
All of the crowd would have a bar set up in the trunk of their car ~ so that when the band took a break ~ the parking lot was one huge brawl of a bar ~ and you cannot imagine the jokes flying this way and that.
The next day ~ the grange held a pit BBQ ~ where they buried meat in a pit and a huge pot of beans ~ that was covered with canvas and a board and more canvas ~ and there was the secret recipe ~ but you could never replicate the taste of those beans cooked overnight in the pit. There was the penny scramble ~ the greased pig chase, the gunny sack race where two people had one leg in a gunny sack ~ and Bingo ~ that you kept score with beans ~ and won a desert ~ homemade ( pie ~ cake etc.) I would bet that the number of people that read this have never had an experience close to this. How sad ~ that we have lost something that gave us so much satisfaction ~ that drew us together ~ and that kept us so closely connected. Life today is lacking so much in this area.
I also remember my grandfathers sheep ~ and sheering them ~ and climbing the stairs in the barn ~ and falling into the 8ft gunny sack that they put the wool in. The smell of lanolin will never leave my brain ! So ~ what would our children gain ~ from learning what it really takes to make a living? I think they would gain a LOVE of LIFE ~ as I did.
Ok ~ I have gone on a bit to much about my past ~ but I felt it was very important to have a background to my heart ~ and my mind ~ and my way of thinking. I know that my upbringing had a lot to do with my love of antiques. There are some people that can spot an antique from a mile away ~ and then there are others like my oldest daughter ~ that really thought she had a find ~ and I sadly told her it was from the 80's ~
Old things have so MUCH character that they do reach out and grab you if you are aware of things. Old wood, old glass, old metal, old tools, etc. I am here to tell you that if you have something that you think in special ~ please , please ~ google it and research it first. In my next post I will continue on with the childhood memories that have made me the person I am today. God Bless ~ Cheryl